Il portale web «SCNAT sapere» offre orientamento. L’Accademia svizzera di scienze naturali (SCNAT) e la sua rete raggruppono lo stato delle conoscenze connesse alla Svizzera sulla base di solidi risultati scientifici – a disposizione della politica, dell'amministrazione, dell'economia, della scienza e della pratica.di più

Immagine: Tobias Günther, SNSF Scientific Image Competitiondi più

Climate negotiations: the contribution of global science

On the occasion of the climate negotiations in Paris, a brochure offers insights into the leading role of the International Council for Science in facilitating international research programmes on climate change and providing relevant scientific policy advice.

ICSU and climate change research

With a membership of 122 national scientific organisations, among them the Swiss Academy of Sciences (SCNAT), and 31 international scientific unions, the International Council for Science promotes research programmes on issues of global relevance. This resulted also in programmes related to climate change and an essential contribution to the establishment of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). In parallel, the International Council for Science established itself as the voice of science at the multinational level, notably as partner of the United Nations, at the Conference on Sustainable Development in 2012 as the latest example.

