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Einfluss von GV Pflanzen auf die Umwelt

Eine umfassende und evidenzbasierte Publikation des belgischen Forschungsinstituts VIB.

Ernährung (Symbolbild)
Bild: Valery Evlakhov, stock.adobe.com

The report forms a two-part series on the safety of genetically modified (GM) crops along with the background report on “Food safety of genetically modified crops”, which has already been published. In this report we discuss what impact GM crops have on the environment.

All agriculture, including cultivating a particular crop, has an impact on the environment. Planting calendars determine which weeds and insects are present in the field, agricultural machinery compresses the earth, uses fuel, and emits CO2, whilst excessive use of fertilizers and pesticides can leave traces in and on the earth. In addition, a particular crop trait (for instance, insect resistance) can also affect the impact on the environment. ~

The aim of this report is to provide a nuanced response to the many concerns that exist concerning the environmental impact of GM crops. The impact, whether positive or negative, depends on the crop trait and the cultivation method, but not on the breeding technology used. Plant breeding makes it possible to develop plants that reduce the impact on the environment.

Source: VIB press release.


  • Gentechnik
  • Gentechnisch veränderte Organismen (GVO)